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Cameroon: COVID 19 Emergency Situation Report


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According to the MoH, Cameroon is the ninth most affected country in Africa regarding the number of cases and the African country with the highest recovery rate (91.3 per cent)


Since 5 March 2020 when Cameroon reported the first COVID-19 case on the territory and as per 19 August 2020, the Ministry of Health (MoH) has confirmed a total of 18,662 cases including 778 among health workers with 408 deaths (case fatality rate of 2.2 per cent) and 17,065 recoveries. Overall, 58.1 per cent of the confirmed cases are males, with 28.3 per cent of the total being in the age group of 30-39 years old. According to the MoH, Cameroon is the ninth most affected country in Africa regarding the number of cases and the African country with the highest recovery rate (91.3 per cent).

Despite MoH asserted weeks ago that the pandemic reached its peak, the high rate of infection among health workers and the registration of new positive cases among the population is a cause for concern. The MoH attributes this to the inadequate adherence to infection prevention and control (IPC) measures and the inadequate supply of personal protective equipment (PPEs). Among all the regions in Cameroon, the South region is the only one that so far has reported no COVID-19 infections nor deaths in its health districts. According to the MoH Cameroon Sitrep on COVID 19 number 42, the Centre and the Littoral regions persist in having the highest rates of COVID-19 infections, with alarming case fatality rates of 27 per cent and 24 per cent respectively.

A total of 17 positive cases among the refugees in the country have been recorded since the beginning of the pandemic.

The 7 latest cases have been reported during a massive voluntary screening campaign in-and-off-site carried out by the regional delegation of public health of the East region from the 10 to 16 August.

The Government supported the training of 69 mental health personnel for the response to COVID-19 (30 in the North West and 36 in the South West).

On 11 August, the Minister of Health disclosed that a total of 80,000 children have not been able to receive vaccines for the regular immunization programme. According to him, the vaccination rate has reduced due to rumours about a vaccine against COVID-19 being tested on people. Boycotting vaccination is becoming an emerging public health issue in the country.

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