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Northern Elders Forum Calls For Buhari’s Resignation Over Insecurity

Sequel to the massacre of the 78 farmers by Boko Haram, the Northern Elders Forum has on Wednesday renewed its call for the immediate resignation of President Muhammadu Buhari.

The Northern Elders Forum spokesperson, Hakeem Baba-Ahmed, revealed the position of Forum during an interview on Channels Television’s Politics Today on Wednesday.

Ahmed said fact on the ground has supported their calls for President Buhari to resign.

“The fact on the ground supports what we are saying. The President swore under Quoran to protect the lives of citizens. He has failed to do so,” he said.

“This is his fifth year in office. The situation under him is getting worse and there is no indication that it is likely to improve.”

The northern elders had issued a statement earlier today faulting the Federal Government’s approach in tackling the numerous security challenges in the country.

In a statement, the forum said life had lost its value under President Buhari’s administration, noting that the threat of farming in Northern Nigeria was real in the face of limited production of food in many of the communities.

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Baba-Ahmed, who signed the statement on behalf of the northern elders, lamented the constant attacks and killings of innocent citizens.

“Northern Elders Forum (NEF) joins Nigerians in expressing outrage at the killings of farmers in Borno State and many other people on a daily basis in many parts of the North. Our voices have been raised without pause for a long time against pervasive insecurity in our region.

“Under this administration, life has lost its value, and more and more citizens are coming under the influence of criminals. We do not see any evidence of a willingness on the part of President Buhari to honour his oath to provide security over Nigerians,” the statement read in part.

The call followed the killing of farmers in Zabarmari, Borno on Saturday by suspected Boko Haram terrorists that left 43 people dead.

The recent killing irked many Nigerians who called for the replacement of security chiefs for failing the tackle several security threats.

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