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Maina Collapses In Court

The former Chairman of the defunct Pension Reform Task Team, Mr Abdulrasheed Maina on Thursday collapsed in court.

Maina collapsed in the dock during the resumed hearing in his N2bn money laundering trial at the Federal High Court in Abuja.

The defence lawyer, Anayo Adibe, was briefing the judge, Justice Okon Abang, that his team had yet to receive the records of proceedings requested from the court’s registry when a loud thud of Maina’s fall drew attention to the dock.

The Federal Government is prosecuting Mr Maina on a 12-count charge of fraud and money laundering before a Federal High Court sitting in Abuja.

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The former pension boss collapsed when his counsel, Anayo Adibe was addressing the court on his no-case submission before Justice Okon Abang.

Before Maina’s collapse, his counsel was praying the court for an adjournment to enable him to get records of the proceedings of the court to enable him to prepare for the no-case submission he intends to file on behalf of his client.

The court had to rise abruptly to enable officials of the Correctional Service and relations of the former pension boss to attend to him.

The matter was had been on Wednesday to today for the defendant to argue his no-case submission and for the prosecution to respond to the same orally.

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