The Cheer News

How We’II Take 100m Nigerians Out Of Poverty – Osinbajo


Vice President, Professor Yemi Osinbajo, has explained how the Buhari-led government will take 100 million Nigerians out of poverty in four years.

He made this remark during a visit to the Emir of Gwandu, Alhaji Muhammadu Bashar in Kebbi State on Thursday.

Osinbajo said: “I want to thank you very much for hosting us today, we are here for several things; the MSMEs, look at the new markets that have been rebuilt after the fire and for some of the schemes that have taken place.

“One of the very important schemes is what is called the Government Enterprise and Empowerment Programme, which has the TraderMoni and MarketMoni.

“TraderMoni is the scheme where we give petty traders, N10,000, and when they pay back, N15,000, then N20,000 and it goes on and on to N100,000.

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“The President’s desire for this programme is that every hard-working citizen of this country should be able to have some support from the government, no matter how little their inventory.

“The President has promised that by the grace of God, we are going to take 100 million Nigerians out of poverty in the next 10 years and I believe very strongly that we are going to achieve it, but we can only achieve it with the able support of the State Governments.”

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