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Kano Loses Another First Generation Bank Regional Manager To COVID-19

A Regional Manager with a first-generation bank (name withheld) in Kano has died of suspected COVID -19 complications.

Family sources said the late banker took ill on Friday and was first admitted at a private clinic from where he was referred to Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital.

The Nation reports that sources said the deceased, who was on his early 50s, was rushed to a private clinic after he suffered high fever, intermittent cough and respiratory hiccups without getting medical care.

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According to sources, he was placed on oxygen on arrival at the private clinic and the treatment was discontinued after he displayed no signs of stability.

One Hajiya Salma Ahmed, who claimed to be a mother-in-law of the deceased, in viral audio, painted a gory picture of how the National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) frustrated attempts to secure a helpline.

Hajiya Ahmed said “the family had called the “Kano NCDC” line several times but couldn’t get through.

They finally got to “Abuja NCDC” and were assured that officials in Kano would visit the patient to take his samples.

She said: “But no one visited up till my son-in-law died in agony.”

She expressed worries that her daughter and other family members might also have been infected

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