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Xenophobic Attacks: FG Helpless As Nigerians Own 50% S.A Investments

Nigerian youths have blamed the Nigeria government for the continuous xenophobic attack on Nigerians in South Africa.

They are wondering if the Federal Government have taken enough action to stem the attacks on its citizens in Diaspora.

The youths, under the movement of Intellectual Patriotic Youth Network IPYN, described Federal Government action towards xenophobic attack on Nigerians as “irresponsible, deaf and dump.

IPYN posited that if Nigeria government had positively reacted the continuous xenophobic attack would have stopped.

Speaking to The Cheer News on Tuesday, IPYN National Coordinator, Amb Salahudeen  Lukman said over 50 Nigeria national had been killed.

Lukman said: “At the peak of humiliation, killings and maiming of Nigeria citizens in South Africa for over a year, one wonder what proactive measures has been adopted by the Federal Government agencies.

What have the government agencies who saddled with the responsibility of protecting and coordinating Diaspora Affairs and diplomatic relationship between Nigeria and South Africa done?

Over 50 Nigerians killed within one year in S.A

“Over 50 Nigeria national had been killed. Businesses worth millions of dollar belonging to Nigerians had been destroyed yet no remedy in view or holistic solution proffered.

“The earlier clamp down on South African investment by some groups in Nigeria might have failed to give measurable give back to the unabated killings of Nigeria in South Africa.

Basically because the south Africa enjoys the support of Nigeria Government officials who stood to neutralize such actions inorder for south Africa mob to continue humiliating, dehumanizing, kills and destroying Nigerian in South Africa.

50% of South Africa Investments own by Nigerians

“Aside the fact that Most of the South Africa Investment in Nigeria today are 50% owned by Nigerians and 90% of its workforce are Nigerians hence the clamp down is directly affecting Nigerians and not South Africa the main target.

“During the ministerial screening exercise by National Assembly, the reappointed minister of foreign affairs technically defended the south Africa Government. He told the senate that no complexity on the part of South Africa government on xenophobic attack on Nigerian.

The explanation  the Minister gave to the senate would have ordinarily earn him automatic disqualification to further head Nigeria Foreign Affairs Ministry.

But as objectivity is lacking in our polity and governance, the minister has been reappointed and the xenophobic attack continues in more deadly dimension.

Blame Diaspora Affairs Commission and Ministry Of Foreign Affairs for xenophobic attack

“The irresponsibility of Diaspora Affairs Commission under Hon Mrs Abike Dabiri Erewa who at all time stood to neutralise every move to clamp down south African. and its investment in Nigeria. And Deaf/ Dump antic of Ministry Of Foreign Affairs under Mr Godfrey Oyeama Must end if the xenophobic attack must stop.

“Citizens mass action against government official conspiracy on continue killing of Nigerians in SA must be lunch in the next 7days.

The two conspirators must be shown the way out of government circles since they lack capacity to deliver on they assignment. These two weak government officials action and inaction thus far has been persived to be in defence of foreign government of SA inhuman act on our citizen in they domain.

The Presidency is advice to sack the duo of Hon Abike Dabiri Erewa and Dr Godfrey Onyeama DG diaspora and Foreign Affairs Minister respectively with immediate effect.

Shutdown S.A embassy in Nigeria

Lukman continues: ,”We also demand that embassy of South Africa be shut down from operation till lasting solution is proffered to the killing of Nigerians in South Africa by her government.

Repatriation of Nigerians in South Africa and biding for asylum in other nations must commence to safe more souls from the hand of blood sucking south African mob.

Nigerian citizens who have investment in South Africa are enjoins to equally withdraw there investment and relocate it to another peaceful foreigner loving nation or better still bring it back home to avert capital lost of such business as the waring SA seem uncontrollable by their government.

We anticipate urgent action by presidency on or before the 7 days ultimatum from this date of release. Before we move as Civil Society Group in collaboration with other pressure snd concern group of Nigeria citizen. It movement will be carried out under Collation of Civil Society Groups to implement our recommendation with citizen mass action against government officials.”

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