The Cheer News

ACCA Africa Scholarship Scheme Declared Open For Entries

The ACCA Africa Scholarship Scheme has declared entries open for a support programme for the progression and career of academically excellent students in Africa.

The deadline for applications submission has not been stated.

The scheme is designed to motivate students to aim towards higher performance in their exams and support them to pass using our available resources.

Type: Undergraduate, Masters

Eligibility: To qualify for the ACCA Africa Scholarship Scheme, you must be an active student sitting for exams and score at least 75% in one of the last papers sat in the preceding exam session. This will commence from the March 2021 exams sitting. Scholarships will be available for each paper passed with the qualifying criteria.

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Selection Criteria: To be entitled to the scholarship, you must score 75% in one paper in an exam sitting and must be prepared to sit for two papers in upcoming exam sittings e.g. you must pass one paper with 75% score in March and enter to sit June or September.

Eligible Countries: African countries

Number of Awards: Not specified

Value of Award:

  • Exam fees (at standard entry): Available as exam credit for the next exam. The exam must be done within two upcoming sessions
  • Free tuition: Worth a maximum of £200 at our any of Approved Learning Partners (Platinum or Gold), both online or face to face
  • First-year subscription fee: For affiliates who complete qualifying papers.

How to Apply:

1. Subscribe: To enter the scholarship, you must first subscribe. Only students in Applied Skills and Strategic Professional levels are eligible to enter.

2. Book exams: If you haven’t already, you’d need to enter an exam to qualify for the scholarship. Book your next exam in the upcoming exam session.

3. Exam FAQs: Get answers to all your exam entry questions. You’ll need to sit for qualifying exam papers within two upcoming exam sessions.

  • It is important to go through all application requirements on the Award Webpage (see Link below) before applying.

Further details could be found on their website

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