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APC No Longer a Functional Political Party — Lukman, APC Govs Forum D.G

Salihu Lukman. the Director-General of the Progressive Governors Forum has lampooned his party, adding that the APC was no longer a functional political party.

He decried the party’s inability to hold regular meetings of its constitutional organs as provided by law.

Lukman also blamed part of the crisis in the APC on its National Chairman, Comrade Adams Oshiomhole, accusing him of being the accuser, prosecutor and judge in most of the disputes afflicting the party.

He said: “The hard truth is that as it stands today, APC is not a functional political party. None of its organs at any level is meeting as provided in the party’s constitution.

‘’It is even debatable if our membership register exists. At best, it will be the same old 2015 membership register.”

Lukman also traced the genesis of the crisis in the party to the processes leading to the  2015 general elections.

He said: “Part of the components of the contributions of the APC to Nigeria’s democracy include that the problem of imposition of candidates in elections was minimised considerably within the APC, at least in the 2015 elections.

Unfortunately, that is where our problems started. Contestants in party primary election failed to develop the needed sportsmanship to accept results.

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The old habits of aspiring candidates taking over leadership structures of the party and through that, therefore, predetermining results of the primary elections remained the case.”

Sycophants from Edo While he contended that the procedure for maintaining party discipline had been so cheapened, to the extent that the national chairman dominates the whole process, the PGF DG also blamed the chairman for surrounding himself with those he described as sycophants, who he said are mostly from Edo State.

“The crisis in the party is clearly getting worse and worse by the day. It has gotten to a stage whereby the competence of members of the Comrade Oshiomhole-led NWC to provide the needed leadership to ensure victory in every election has been eroded.

We can win election and on account of some inabilities to competently manage legal challenges associated with the nomination of candidates, we are compelled to surrender victory to our opponents.

This is the narrative of the Supreme Court judgement of February 13, 2020, in respect of November 16, 2019, Bayelsa elections.

It was also the case with May 24, 2019, Supreme Court nullification of the election of all APC candidates in the 2019 elections in Zamfara State.

“In other words, our NWC can be described as a very efficient Trojan horse that opens the backdoor for electoral victory to our political opponents.

It is really unfortunate that we are faced with all the avoidable electoral tragedies, all because our NWC has decided to abdicate its responsibility.

This is quite disheartening and certainly beyond any expectation. How can all these be happening under the watch of Comrade Oshiohmole as the National Chairman?

Comrade Oshiomhole’s leadership credentials cannot be disputed. But given what is going on now in APC under his watch, it is very clear that he is not that same Comrade Oshiomhole that was an inspiring union leader who competently handled all organisational leadership challenges to the admiration of Nigerians.

“Part of the problem now is that he is surrounded by sycophants mainly from Edo State. Any attempt to help him through objective advice is condemned as betrayal especially when such advice comes from people who were close to him.

Many of those who claimed now to be his supporters and loyalists are people who only relate with him based on his position of power and capacity therefore to influence access to political positions.

His success as a leader who is able to direct the party towards electoral victory is never their consideration except if they are the candidates.

“One cannot blame these sycophantic crowd around our National Chairman. But I will definitely express my disbelief at the way Comrade Oshiomhole has become all of a sudden, a leader who is intolerant to criticisms.

His level of intolerance is so high that any disagreement or criticism expressed against any of his decisions or actions is classified as betrayal and therefore requiring disciplinary actions.

The procedure for disciplinary actions has become so cheapened such that all the relevant provisions in the party’s constitution are violated.

As a result, Comrade Oshiomhole is today the leading accuser, prosecutor and judge in almost all cases where disciplinary actions have been administered in the party.

The only probable exception may be the case in his Ward in Edo State where he is also being alleged to have been disciplined”, he stated.

Way Forward Lukman also berated Comrade Oshiomhole for his intolerance to criticisms and listed ways out of the current issues threatening the party.

“With this kind of background, it is almost impossible to start any process of engagement to resolve our problems in the party without addressing the issue of intolerance that is today the main characteristic of the Comrade Oshiomhole-led NWC.

This is not in any way questioning the capacity or competence of the Chief Bisi Akande-led APC National Reconciliation Committee.

No doubt, Chief Bisi Akande is one leader who has all that is required to assist the party and all our leaders to resolve current challenges.

In fact, Chief Akande, having led the party, immediately after the merger negotiations that produced the APC in 2013 has everything at stake if the party is allowed to continue to suffer electoral loses simply because our current leaders are intolerant to one another and consequently not able to manage processes of candidate selection within the party.

“In addition to Chief Akande, the Committee has very reputable members who have played very important roles during the merger negotiations of our legacy parties in 2013.

I am very confident that these reputable team of very selfless leaders should be given all the support required to ensure that they succeed. How can we support the Chief Akande Committee to succeed?

‘’I think the starting point has to be an appeal to the Comrade Oshiomhole-led NWC, who facilitated the formation of the Chief Akande Committee to convene a meeting of the appropriate organ of the party – National Executive Council (NEC) or National Caucus where a decision setting aside all the disciplinary actions at all levels of the party, including the NWC can be taken.

“Somehow, such a meeting can also serve as perhaps an ice-breaking platform where some good pronouncements can emerge, which can encourage all aggrieved leaders and party members to express their disagreement and dissatisfaction at the way our party is being managed since 2015. Steps must be taken at such meeting to ensure that criticising or disagreeing with our leaders does not constitute an offence.

“If the Chief Akande Committee is to succeed in this very crucial assignment, it must be positioned to set in motion the process of rebuilding the party.

The hard truth is that as it stands today, APC is not a functional political party. None of its organs at any level is meeting as provided in the party’s constitution.

It is even debatable if our membership register exists. At best, it will be the same old 2015 membership register.

“With such reality, any effort towards resolving our problems may have to commence with verifying the issue of who our party members are.

Somehow, this is also an issue that will test our tolerance limits. For instance, to what extent can we accept members such as Sen. Kabir Marafa in Zamfara who instituted the court case that led to surrendering the victory of our party in the 2019 election to the PDP?

Or to what extent can we regard members in Ogun and Imo who contested the 2019 elections under different parties?

“However it is considered, it is a simple case of responding to all these challenges based on capacity to forgive. The only most important requirement is that each party must be able to accept that mistakes have been made.

This is where the Chief Akande Committee will have to demonstrate its capacity and competence. It is a familiar calling to Chief Akande.

I am confident they can be able to discharge this function by being able to listen to all actors without apportioning blame to any of the actors.

Just as they listen to each of the actors, they should be able to first give some minimum conditions which each of the parties must meet.

There is also the issue of strengthening the confidence of party leaders at all levels based on the provision of good working conditions. As it is today, our party leaders at all levels don’t have any verifiable working condition.

This is partly the case because the party’s sources of income are still vaguely defined. Issues of membership subscription are yet to be concluded.

These need to be addressed. We can resolve all existing disputes within the party, if these are left as they are today, the same old problem will continue to rear their heads every election season.

The task of reconciliation in APC has to have a life of its own. It is about commencing the process of rebuilding the party. All our leaders should demonstrate a very strong commitment.

As part of such commitment, initiative must be instituted to block all openings that further expose our leaders to more conflicts.

One of such issues is the question of refilling vacant positions in the NWC. Somehow, there appear to be decisions by the Comrade Oshiomhole-led NWC to endorse successors from states different from what was agreed at the last convention.

If this is to go ahead, there will be more disputes within the party. If this is the preferred option, then it is safer to go for another convention where everything about the leadership of the party can be renegotiated, and new agreements reached.

The reconciliation-disposed NWC, even if led by Comrade Oshiomhole must refrain from making inflammatory public commentaries.

As much as possible, all statements coming from the party should be made to reflect decisions of organs of the party, and the NWC, in particular, must respect its jurisdictional limits as provided in the constitution of the party when it comes to matters of issuing public statements.

There are issues that clearly require the decisions of superior organs such as NEC or National Caucus for them to be credited to the party.

Statements must not be reduced to opinions of party leaders, important as that may be”, he added. Chief Press Secretary CPS to the APC National Chairman, Mr Simon Ebegbulem was not immediately available for comments at press time.

Source: Vanguard



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