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Ecobank Supports Legend of Nollywood Capacity Training For Less Privilege

Veteran Nollywood actors, directors and producers,  Segun Arinze, Zack  Orji, and Keppy Ekpenyong, Emma Ayalongu are some of the Facilitators in the ongoing Legend of Nollywood training and capacity building for the physically challenged and the less privileged in our society.
The intensive training which started on Monday is made possible by Ecobank.
Segun Arinze
It comprises 5 classes where all aspects of movie production, from editing, scriptwriting, acting, makeup and makeover, including photography amongst others are being taught.
Legend of Nollywood a programme created by Paul Obazele which has been recongnising and honouring veterans and legend in the Nigerian movie industry decided to take a step further in harnessing these potentials and talents as a means of giving them a new lease of life and making them self dependent.
Zack  Orji
Once they are able to master their skills, they can be able to stand on their own in the various segments of film production.
Obazele who got professionals in the industry to lecture in the various classes said the empowerment programme is made possible by Ecobank.
Speaking on Eco Bank involvement Obazele said, the managing director of the bank Mr. Patrick Akinwuntan, is passionate by empowering people who will not only be financially independent but can soar high in their chosen field and grow to be employers of labour.
Keppy Ekpenyong
Obazele  said, Akinmuntan believes that sustainable growth and development programs are some of the keys to the growth of any economy, such as Nollywood has offered over the years.
Other facilitators include Ngozi  Orji, Tessy White, and renowned judge and member of the jury in some of the renowned local and international film festivals Shaibu Husseini.
Zen Dream Works, Limited, Unit Celloids Limited and Moma $ Chide Global Resources Limited are some of the companies that are also partnering with Legend of Nollywood.

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