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Nigerian is failing, Federal Government should stops pretending – PANDEF


National Publicity Secretary of Pan Niger Delta Forum, PANDEF, Hon Ken Robinson has Thursday said the Muhammadu Buhari’s administration was not showing the world the real picture of the Nigerian crisis,

According to him, the Federal Government is downplaying the situation of war in the country.

Robinson, in Port Harcourt, said it was unfortunate that the FG was not committed to protecting the lives and property of the citizens.

His words: “Mr Lia Mohammed is the official spokesperson of President Buhari’s Government, so what do we expect him to say, it is to understate whatever that is going on in the country.

“Nigerian is failing and the sooner the Government stops pretending about it the better for us.

“The country is a war with itself and as we have always said, one of the greatest causes of this situation is the way and manner the Buhari administration conducts the affair of his government. There is too much discrimination, favouritism, nepotism and their likes. This is the Hallmark of Buhari’s administration.

“People have been disaffected, disenchanted, people are angry and are looking for ways to express their anger at the way the government is treating some citizens of the country.

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“We see situations where crimes in some corners of the country as Lia Mohammed will call it, where bandits kidnap schools children and innocent citizens at all unfettered and then it has become a lucrative business for them in the North West.

“Today we are hearing repentant Boko Haram, all these are strategies to infiltrate communities to cause more harm.

“It’s ridiculous that this government would continue to downplay the crisis that has turned Nigeria into a situation where people can no longer live their lives freely without fear of being kidnapped or being killed. People cannot even travel freely. This is the sad situation in the county. We just pray it doesn’t get to his aboard.”

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