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Open Letter To Alaafin Of Oyo

Kabiyesi, I humbly crave your indulgence and ask for your help as your prompt intervention is desired and sought for.
This is because, apart from the fact that paramount rulers are the custodians of our customs and traditions,  you are known to have a deep and strong respect for traditions and customs and you have always fought and still fights for justice and always in defence of Yoruba Historical Heritage.
The Yoruba Historical Heritage that you have fought for all your life and still fighting for is about to be eroded and destroyed in OTUN- EKITI  in the way and manner the selection process of the new Oore for the land was conducted.
The result that was announced on the 5th day of May 2020 was the result of much arm-twisting by the prince that was handpicked by Kingmakers who have sold their conscience for luxury.
Their decision has led to an uproar in OTUN- EKITI and is causing severe pain to the youth as their death has been foretold to be one of the dire consequences to follow if the man handpicked is installed.
KABIYESI, the fact is as follows sir,
There are 7 princes jostling for the stool. These 7 princes are from the royal family, ILE-IYABA, whose turn it is to provide the next Oore in accordance with the 1961 declaration.
These 7 princes presented themselves after the ruling house received a letter from the  Bureau of Chieftancy Affairs of Ekiti State asking them to start the process of selecting a valid candidate for the stool.
However, it is a known fact that there are customs and traditions to follow in the selection of the next Oore. These customs and traditions have been in existence from ages and have been followed meticulously by our forefathers.
It is also a known fact that failure to adhere strictly to these customs and traditions in the selection process will lead to picking a wrong candidate and spell doom for the people of OTUN – EKITI.
As a result of the repercussions that will imminently follow not adhere to these customs and traditions, the youth of the land have started crying out for help since the selection done on Tuesday, 5th of May, 2020 was not done properly but far from the way it should be done.
There is the strong allegation that few days to the date the consultation was carried out, the emerged candidate ADEKUNLE ADEAGBO was found out (and bragging that he is the only candidate, that he has no rival as others are not as rich as him) to have given the huge amount of money to the KING MAKERS ( THE AFOBAJES ) to pervert the process and pick his name as the candidate that was picked by the oracle.
The allegation seems to be true as THE KING MAKERS refused to carry out the CONSULTATION with the oracle at the designated place which is known as IDI-EGUN at ODO-OJA and which is the place it has been done from time immemorial.
It is a known fact that any traditionalist or oracle consultant that lies about the outcome will definitely be punished severely  (sudden death inclusive)and this punishment will extend to anyone involved in the perversion. For this reason, THE KING MAKERS decided to change the venue to the palace of the head of the AFOBAJE, a.k.a OBANLA.
Also, one of the irregularities that marked the process is the absence of all the chiefs of the town that were to be present at the venue to watch the process.
More importantly, and why the youth are very angry and crying out for help is the fact that before the names were sent to the kingmakers. the ruling house had carried out their own consultation and what the Oracle revealed about the man that was handpicked is that he is not to becomes king and that if he is installed as king there would be the death of a youth in large numbers. To the amazement of everyone, the Kingmakers did not consult the Ifa Oracle but merely wrote the result as they wanted at the Obanla palace. Though they confirmed to the head of the family that certain sacrifices must be carried out by the ruling house to prevent the imminent death of the youth in large numbers before ADEKUNLE ADEAGBO is installed.
The youth are not ready to take this chance. What if the sacrifice is not accepted and they start dying one after the other is what they fear most and they have vowed to go to any length to ensure that the right thing is done in this regard. But for the proactiveness of the police, who intervene only God knows what would have happened.
I want to plead with the KABIYESI, to please step into this situation to prevent the death of this vibrant youth with great future and ensure that the right person ascends the throne so that our tradition will be preserved.
 According to our tradition, the consultation should be done at IDI-EGUN by ODO- OJA. If the process is transparent and done according to traditions at IDI- EGUN  whatever the outcome is, would be acceptable to all and sundry.
Thank you KABIYESI for your anticipated prompt intervention.
A concerned native of Otun – Ekiti

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