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WHO cushions COVID-19, Ebola effects on Liberians


Demonstrates Commitment in supporting COVID-19 Response and Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) Preparedness in Liberia

The World Health Organization (WHO) on 16th June 2021 delivered a huge consignment of Infection Prevention Control (IPC) supplies and laboratory diagnostic kits to the Ministry of Health in Monrovia to strengthen the response to COVID-19 and improve preparedness to EVD. The supplies donated included diagnostic kits for COVID-19 and supplies for IPC in health facilities.

The current wave of COVID-19 pandemic is challenging to the already stretched health system in Liberia

Recent data emanating from the National Incident Management System (IMS) shows a continuous increase in the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Liberia, especially in Montserrado County which host the nation’s capital city.

“The current wave of COVID-19 pandemic is challenging to the already stretched health system in Liberia. However, I am optimistic that our collective efforts and support during this pandemic to improve testing and strengthen IPC measures will prevent further spread of COVID-19”, says Dr. Peter Clement, WHO Representative in Liberia.

Dr Clement thanked the government of Liberia, especially the Minister of Health Dr Wilhelmina Jallah for her leadership role in the prevention, containment and mitigation measures for COVID-19.

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Receiving the supplies, the Honorable Minister of Health, Dr Wilhelmina Jallah thanked WHO and all partners fighting together to prevent the spread of COVID-19.  “I want to thank you Dr Clement for your patience, I know the journey becomes frustrating sometimes, but WHO continues to provide us with the needed guidance and support”, Dr Wilhelmina Jallah, Minister of Health.

WHO is supporting the Ministry of Health with the required technical and financial support to control the COVID-19 pandemic while ensuring uninterrupted access to other essential health services.

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