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COVID-19: Over 200,000 People Die In Latin America, Caribbean

Over 200,000 people have died due to coronavirus in Latin America and the Caribbean, said AFP tally compiled from official sources at 0830 GMT on Sunday, Brazil and Mexico account for almost three-quarters of those deaths.

In terms of region, Latin America is the second-worst hit after Europe. Europe stands at the top with 210,425 deaths and 3,189,322 infections.

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The United States and Canada come third.

In Latin America, Peru, Colombia and Chile are the worst-affected countries after Brazil and Mexico.

According to virus infection numbers as a proportion of the population, Peru tops the region’s list, followed by Chile, Brazil, Mexico and Panama.

The tallies compiled by AFP from national authorities and information from the World Health Organization (WHO), probably reflect only a fraction of the actual number of infections.

Many countries are testing only symptomatic or severe cases.

(Inputs from AFP)

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