The Cheer News

Delta 2023: In Omo-Agege a Golden Age Beckons

By Eferovo Igho

The ever increasing melodic tunes and ceaseless growing ovations around Ovie Omo-Agege and about his candidature in the Delta 2023 guber race may well be overwhelming. But the agonising heartache his competitors are going through having been so dwarfed can only be pitied. Rather than throwing in the towel the journey in misadventure continues – and so pride and pain conjoined in their walk to incomprehensible vanquishment, just few days hence. It is therefore good for readers to be keenly on the watchout in this wise – the nature of their pending defeat, that is – while we further this work about Omo-Agege – the man of the moment.

If dynamic and seamless governance is necessarily the dream and intent of political leaders and if that in turn engineers and drives their political endeavors, then the people have no problem walking up the ladder of good life. The placement of a people on that ladder is a factor of both the dreams and carriage of those dreams by that leadership into purposeful and result-driven actions. In our clime and in Delta specifically, all of that is alien, but shouldn’t really, and this is where Omo-Agege comes in and why his embrace by the people should not give anyone heartache.

Omo-Agege surely is the man Delta need to turn things around. The aforesaid melodic tunes and great ovations about his candidacy is a crowning proof. Yes, we need this man; a Real Man; an astute and sagacious politician, shrewd manager of men and resources, dynamic yet winsome character, known remarkable achiever across disciplines and endeavors et cetera to get us to where we must now necessarily be as a State.

It’s Narendra Modi that once said: “Good governance with good intentions is the hallmark of our government. Implementation with integrity is our core passion”. Modi speaks of himself and India government he oversees. But those who know Omo-Agege to the chest (his heartbeat) would tell you he does not only hugely buys into that, but believes further that when good intention drives governance, and integrity propels implementation, it’s only a matter of time bringing home the bacon. This is what he is promising; and certainly, a much more and indeed incomparably rewarding covenant with Deltans this time. A stern and unbending fellow in the pursuit of achievement of a common desirable goal is the man I present to you presently.

So, never mind. Yes, this democratic dispensation may have been full of turbulence in our State; the path we have trodden so far as Deltans may’ve been very ruinous, but in Omo-Agege, you see a man who has risen to the occasion. He has not only stuffed himself with all the required Executive and Legislative experience needed for the job but has further now readied himself by practically boning up to it.

With nonsuch vision for the State, he is almost done tapping together all the men required to turn a disastrous situation around – very right peg for each role. He is running with solution from day one. The other day I read Zig Ziglar say: “Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations. The best is yet to come”, and I got a pumping joy as my mind ran to Omo-Agege.

And with a raft of good policy decisions, political will to act on the side of the common good, robust execution of informed acts of parliament and good implementation of  executive policies which the man Omo-Agege is already hugely known for and which we not only hear him promising to notch further up but also see him gearing up towards, Delta State should have the sky as it’s limit, so to say.

Never mind the rubbish that has been hitherto called governance in our State, painfull as it is! The tunnel may have known the darkest of darkness for 20 decades plus. Few days now to the end of a damning rubbish, and the much needed light of sweet relief and good governance show up! So, never mind!

He is fixated on nothing else, nothing less as we write; his dreams and projections startling, readiness and fitness for the onerous duty, if given the mandate, unquestionable. Watching him you are wont to conclude that Robert Tew’s confidence-inspired aphorism or laconic phrase: “Trust yourself. You’ve survived a lot, and you’ll survive whatever is coming”, is one of Omo-Agege’s drives in life. A man who has known startling successes in his political career walking the Executive ladder up to SSG and Legislative ladder up to Deputy President of the Senate and churning out startling results in them all, the gubernatorial mandate, if given, will be no exception.

Yes, his dream is ‘gigantic’, he envisions a golden age and he is facing it as if he had known no success hitherto, facing it as the one and only success he needs to achieve; that when he is able to put Delta State in the class of some enviable climes out there like Awolowo actually appreciably did with Western Nigeria in his days – and there are statistics to that effect – history and posterity will well represent him. Putting it differently,  Omo-Agege who is bringing intimidating scorecard with him to the apex of governance in Delta, is promising to shore up a rich testament to be referenced many years to come as we do Awolowo’s today.

This is why he left PDP. This is why he has criss-crossed the length and breadth of the State including its massive riverine areas as NO ONE ELSE has ever done since Independence in history of electoral campaigns. This is why the Dr Otive Igbuzors of this world are sticking to him, and this is why yours sincerely writes. It is time for startling results, and many who think governance is for self-enrichment will be surprisingly dazed.

His, is a liberation movement! The work ahead is the rebuilding of the State. The goal, a NEW DELTA!

Préparez-vous pour un changement apaisant (Get ready for soothing change).

Igho, a veteran pubic affairs analyst, wrote via

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