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Kaduna Discharges 3 COVID-19 Treated Patients


Commissioner for Health, Kaduna, Dr Amina Mohammed-Baloni said that the  State Ministry of Health has discharged three more patients who have recovered from COVID-19.

Dr Mohammed-Baloni who disclosed this Friday evening said the discharged patients tested negative twice.

The discharge of the three patients on Friday, brings to four, the number of cases so far discharged. While the other two are yet to be cleared of the disease.

Dr Mohammed-Baloni: “The three patients have each tested negative for two consecutive tests, and have now been discharged.

“This brings to four the number of persons Kaduna State has discharged this week. There are now only two cases of COVID-19 that are yet to be discharged and we look forward to being able to do soon.

“I wish to acknowledge the sterling efforts of the medical team, surveillance teams, members of the Emergency Operations Committee and other stakeholders involved in the efforts of the Ministry of Health to manage and contain COVID-19.

“The Kaduna State Government wishes to remind residents of Kaduna State that it is safer and cheaper to observe preventive measures than to treat COVID-19.

READ ALSO: Abia State Declares COVID-19 Runaway Patient Wanted

”Citizens are advised to wash their hands regularly with soap and water and scrupulously observe social distancing.

”They should also avoid large gatherings and stay at home, except it is absolutely necessary to go out. Wherever they are, they should also practise respiratory hygiene.

“Stay home, stay safe and stay alive!!!”

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