The Ministry of Health, Lesotho has said that 256 samples were collected from suspected cases of COVID-19 and travellers from South Africa from the 12th to 17th May 2020.
The specimens were sent to NICD in the Republic of South Africa for testing on the 18th May 2020.
Results for the 18 specimens that were pending, and 256 totalling to 274, were received on the 20th May 2020.
Of these 274, 273 tested negative for SARS-COV- 2 while one tested positive for SARS-COV-2.
While awaiting results, the suspected cases are kept in isolation or home quarantine where feasible and they are treated for symptoms.
The Ministry of Health will continue to carry out vigilant screening procedures at ports of Entry, in villages and health facilities as well monitoring of those on home quarantine.
The Ministry also pleaded with the public to calm down, be vigilant and maintain safety protocol to minimize the spread of the virus.
It explained that wash hands with soap and water, observe coughing and sneezing etiquette, follow quarantine measures and adhere to the set terms of the lock-down can reduce the possible spread of the disease.