Ernest Omo-Ojo, a Nigerian immigrant to Canada for academic purposes, has been named Herzing College, Ottawa’s all-around outstanding student. The prize, known as the Herzing...
Nigerian Governors’ Forum (NGF), which comprises governors of the 36 states of the federation has rejected the ban imposed on Nigeria by Canada and the...
The Canadian High Commissioner to Tanzania, Pamela O’Donnell, has said that it is important for the East African Community (EAC) to continue actively providing information...
BY AGENCY REPORTER A new report from Toronto’s Globe and Mail has disclosed that a contingent of Ukrainian soldiers rescued a group of Afghan translators after...
BY DAYO ADESULU Cryptocurrency space has assumed a new dimension, as exchanges have offered holders of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies debit cards to enable them...
Experts Analysis have revealed the reasons Canada took the first choice of immigrants from America that used to be the most desired place for travellers....
The Mastercard Foundation seeks a world where everyone has the opportunity to learn and prosper. All people, no matter where their starting point in life,...
The University of Saskatchewan in Canada has made scholarship awards available for International Students in 2021/2022. It is a one-time International Excellence Awards to International Students...
As COVID-19 promises to sink millions into poverty and forest destruction continues, the most comprehensive report to date on the link between forests and poverty...
BY DAYO ADESULU The United States of America and Canada have fingered Bitcoin Automated Teller Machines (BATMs) as the conduit pipes through which millions of...